Teach/preach Wednesday and Sunday morning and evening services
Manage the church and church staff
Communicate to decons, trustees and church council
Ensure implementation of church policies & procedures
Oversee church ministries & keep regular contact with ministry directors
Participate in small group meetings, visitation & outreach
Help develop and oversee departmental & monitor church budget
Develop and recommend strategies for growth and progam improvement with youth director and/or church council
Salary package to include:
no health insurance
2 weeks paid vacation per year (Monday-Sunday)
1 week paid leave for revival, additional time upon request
$100.00 per month for internet and phone ($1,200 per year)
$150.00 per month for travel expenses ($1,800.00)
$250 per week base pay ($13,000 per year)
Total Salary package of $308.00 per week, $1,333 per month or 16,000 per year (maybe to negotiable)