Disciple Making Pastor

Eastanallee Baptist Church - Riceville, TN | Riceville, TN

Posted Date 9/26/2024

This position will serve to mobilize our people to make disciples both where they live and in the nations. There will be a heavy emphasis on missions and the practice of disciple making with individuals in the congregation. They will also give oversight to the Senior Adult ministry called "Silver Stars." 


Disciple Making Pastor




Supervisor:   Lead Pastor


Position Objective:

The Church has established ministries that are directed toward the evangelization and discipleship of its members through education which includes Sunday School and other discipleship.  The Disciple Making Pastor should manage, direct, organize, and control his area of responsibility in such a way as to maximize the overall ministry of the Church. 


General Description:  The Disciple Making Pastor is responsible for assisting the church in planning, conducting, and evaluating a disciple making ministry that begins with education within the church and works its way out to mobilizing the church to do ministry and missions in order to reach the nations.


  1. Qualifications required. As far as can be determined the applicant must:


  1. Be a man of daily, fervent prayer.
  2. Be a man of daily Bible Study.
  3. Be a man committed to personal/family purity.
  4. Be a man of evangelism and personal witnessing.
  5. Be a man of character and integrity.
  6. Be a man of maturity.
  7. Have a deep love for God and people.
  8. Have a comprehensive understanding of the Scriptures.
  9. Have a heart for discipleship/relational ministry.
  10. Possess the ability to publicly declare God’s Word.
  11. Possess the ability to lead paid and unpaid staff.
  12. Possess the ability to plan and manage budgets.
  13. Possess the ability to administrate a full schedule of personal & ministry events.
  14. Possess the ability to lead and train small & large groups of varied ages.
  15. Possess the ability to work in a coordinated effort with the Director of Children’s Ministries and Student Ministries to assist in the discipleship of children and students of EBC.
  16. Possess the ability to work with computers and various types of software.
  17. Meet Biblical qualifications of an Elder.
  18. Agree with the Baptist Faith and Message (2000) and be in the general agreement with the ministry philosophy, goals, and direction of EBC.
  19. Have the willingness and ability to be a team player with the church staff, and church membership.
  20. Tithe from your income.
  21. Love lost people.


  1. Requirements: Knowledge, Skills, Abilities:


  • Requires a high school diploma or GED.
  • Is preferred to have a college degree.
  • Is preferred to have a seminary degree.
  • Requires experience in Pastoral Ministry and/or Education/ Discipleship ministries on a church staff or other education related position.
  • Requires the ability to listen effectively and to communicate clearly, both orally and in written form.
  • Requires exceptional speaking skills and the ability to speak confidently before groups.
  • Requires quality leadership skills.
  • Requires exceptional administrative skills.
  • Requires proficiency in using a computer and its software.
  • Requires commitment to biblical Christian principles and teachings both professionally and personally.
  • Requires sufficient good health to discharge duties properly.
  • Requires passing criminal, financial and sexual misconduct background checks.



  1. Responsibilities:
  1. Personal Prayer

Daily intercessory prayer for our membership and families.


  1. Personal Study

Daily study resulting in constant readiness to teach/preach.


  1. Relationship Disciple Making Ministry
  • Serve as a godly, mature role model of holiness, character, integrity, and faith.
  • Build relationships with church members to establish a foundation for ministry.
  • Give direction to an Education Ministry plan of enlistment.
  • Be a practitioner of relationship disciple making that equips and models for the church what disciple making looks like.


  1. Education Ministry
  • In collaboration with the Lead Pastor give oversight to the planning, coordination, operation and evaluation of a comprehensive

Education Ministry which includes Sunday School and Wednesday night discipleship.

  • Coordinate the Church Education Ministry with the calendar and emphasis of the


  • Be available to counsel, arrange and provide educational elements for special

projects, ministries, and other church related activities in cooperation with

appropriate individuals or groups.

  • Be responsible for enlisting and training leaders and teachers for the church

Education Ministry. 

  • Work in cooperation with the appropriate persons in selecting, enlisting, training of teachers for various Educational ministries.
  • Assist teachers in understanding and endorsing the mission and vision of EBC.
  • Develop equipping opportunities for all areas of service.


  1. Missions Ministry
  • Work in close association with the Lead Pastor for Missions opportunities.
  • Maintain regular contact with our ministry partners and supported missionaries and bring before the church opportunities of prayer for them.
  • Regularly educate the church about lostness, motivate us with the gospel, and call us to pray for the nations.
  • Work in coordination with the Lead Pastor and other staff members to provide short term mission opportunities that EBC can be mobilized for the work of the gospel and develop a heart for the nations.
  • Work in coordination with the Lead Pastor to develop long term partnership with ministries and missionaries in order to give strategically and go regularly to support the work of the ministry and missionary.


  1. Administration
  • Determine education and mission ministry goals, organization, leadership,

facilities, finances and administrative process.

  • In consultation with the Church Administrator and the Lead Pastor, prepare an annual budget to be recommended to the Finance team.
  • Comply with all established church policies and procedures in place at EBC, as well

as, adhere to all applicable federal and state laws.

  • Keep informed on current education and assimilation methods, materials, promotion

and administration, utilizing them where appropriate.

  • Ensure accurate and appropriate administration of planning for calendar, leadership personnel, transportation, facilities, programming, safety, communication, promotion, finances, etc.
  • Participate fully as a member of the Senior Pastoral Ministry Staff of Eastanallee

      Baptist Church.


  1. Pastoral Support Ministry
  • Perform other responsibilities as assigned by the Lead Pastor.
  • Actively support the mission and vision of EBC to include, but not be limited to,

church-wide vision casting, team building, ministry support, and being an active

advisor to the Lead Pastor.

  • Be available nights and weekends for education and assimilation ministry events, as

well as, work with the Lead Pastor in making emergency pastoral care visits as


  • Fill the pulpit on Sunday mornings with regularity as a part of team of pastors teaching.
  • Work in connection with the Lead Pastor and other staff in assimilating people into the church and ministry.


  1. Senior Adult Pastor
  • Plan and prepare Monthly Gatherings and arrange for guest speakers as needed.
  • Provided monthly informational sheets in regard to birthdays, anniversaries, and updated calendar information.
  • Visit or call, as needed, the homebound or those in the hospital or nursing home.
  • Be available to provide spiritual counsel as needed.
  • Plan and lead in monthly or bi-monthly outings.
  • Prepare yearly budget for the budget and finance team.


  1. Greeter Ministry
  • Oversee and give guidance to the greeter ministry.
  • Recruit and train volunteers as needed.
  • Ensure name tags are available for all greeters.
  • Develop and cast vision for the Greeter ministry.
  • Ensure the Golf Cart is available for use in the parking lot ministry.
  • Provide up to date information for Welcome Desk greeters.






Employment Type
Full Time
Ministry Position Sought
Other (see next box)
Ministry Position Sought, Other
Disciple Making
Education Level Preferred
Seminary/Grad School (Master's Degree)
Average Worship Attendance
Age Range
41 to 50 | 51 to 60
Years of Experience in Church-Related Ministry
8 to 12 Years

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